• Business Courses for Life-Long Learners


    The Mini-MBA offers courses for students and anyone who wants to gain more knowledge on certain subjects. The subjects they offer are on management, strategy, and how to be a leader. They teach people about what makes a business run smoothly. They offer lifelong learning courses and certificate courses for the public. The courses have video lessons. The courses are broken up into modules. For example, module one, two, etc. Along with the video lessons, the site has downloadable worksheets for students to do. The site also has workflow resources. These sources include reading lists, meeting quality worksheets, and projects.

    The Mini-MBA was founded in 2007. Their goal is to give the latest information about the business world. their site also teaches the public how to start their own businesses. By offering these courses, they are combating poverty. They are working with churches and charity organizations to help people live …

  • A Magician Livened Up Our Event


    It seems that every event we held at the company I work at was the same. We had dinner, some drinks, some talk between work mates, then home bound. Some people like that stuff, but it was boring for a lot of us. When I suggested to my boss that he look into hiring a magician and mind reader for events in the future, I honestly did not expect him to take me seriously. I said it in a joking way, but I must have hit a soft spot in him because he told me if I could make it happen, then he would authorize it.

    I am not one to back away from a challenge, especially one as fun as this could be. I went to my computer as soon as he told me that because we had an event coming up in just a few months. I knew …

  • Accounting That Works for My Cafe Business


    When I started my first cafe, I had no idea that there would be others to follow. I was just living out my dream, but that dream exploded in so many positive ways. I had a small staff of six people, and I handled the accounting, inventory, and scheduling as well as worked in the kitchen and front. The cafe became so popular that I opened up seven more within two years. I knew after my second one though that I needed to look at professional cafe accountants because handling one cafe was hard enough but handling more than that was just impossible for me.

    I considered hiring a bookkeeper to just come in and handle this full time. I figured with seven cafes open, there would be plenty of work. Now there was, but I discovered with the person that I hired that they were not exactly efficient. I …

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